Incremental Health

Because effective treatment starts with accurate diagnosis ™

Powered By Psyence

Powered By Psyence ™

Harnessing the latest in psychological science to improve outcomes for children and families.

Psyence ™ harnesses the power of psychological science to deliver cutting-edge, evidence-based assessment and intervention tools for you family

Dr. Kofler, the founder and director of Incremental Health, has published over 100 peer-reviewed scientific studies on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) assessment, treatment, etiology, and outcomes. He was recognized as a top scientist by the national ADHD advocacy association CHADD (Children and Adults with ADHD) and has secured over $12 million in funding for his research from the National Institutes of Health, Department of Defense, and private Foundations. Dr. Kofler is also a tenured professor at one of the nation's top research universities, and serves as Editor-in-Chief of the field's most prestigious ADHD journal. His research has been cited over 7,500 times by other scientists, making Dr. Kofler one of the most influential psychologists of our time.

Dr. Kofler has conducted high-quality, gold-standard psychological evaluations for thousands of children and families, across a wide range of settings including outpatient clinics, children's hospitals, crisis centers, inpatient psychiatric hospitals, and juvenile detention facilities. Dr. Kofler is also the inventor of the patented Central Executive Training platform that is licensed exclusively to Sky Therapeutics. He is a true clinical scientist, which means that his clinical work informs his research and - just as importantly - his research informs his clinical work.

For you, that means that assessments conducted and supervised by Dr. Kofler use the most up-to-date, research-backed, and gold-standard tests and measures - maximizing diagnostic accuracy and treatment recommendations to promote the most positive outcomes for you and your family.

Dr. Kofler does not receive funding or other compensation from drug companies and has not received funding or other support from drug companies at any point in his career.

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What are parents saying about their experience with assessment and treatment in Dr. Kofler's clinic?

  • 96% rated the quality of service as Excellent
  • 91% would definitely recommend our services to a friend
  • 93% said that our services helped them deal with their problems
  • 100% were very or mostly satisfied with our services
  • 98% would come back again if they needed help
Incremental Health

The Expertise, Experience, and Influence of Dr. Kofler

  • Licensed clinical psychologist in Florida, Georgia, and Virginia. Dr. Kofler also holds an E.Passport from the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Board (ASPPB) and has been granted PSYPACT authority to practice interjurisdictional telepsychology in 40 additional states/territories*
  • Founder and Director of Incremental Health as well as children's research clinics at the University of Virginia and Florida State University
  • Conducted thousands of high-quality, gold-standard psychological and educational evaluations for children and families over the last 15 years across a wide range of settings including outpatient clinics, children's hospitals, crisis centers, inpatient psychiatric hospitals, and juvenile detention facilities
  • Uses gold-standard, up-to-date techniques and technologies to provide the most accurate diagnostic impressions and most helpful treatment recommendations for you and your family
  • Inventor of the patented Central Executive Training platform that is licensed exclusively to Sky theraueotics.
  • Over 100 peer-reviewed scientific studies on ADHD and related conditions, published in top journals and cited by other scientists over 6,000 times, making Dr. Kofler one of the most influential psychologists of our time.
  • Recognized as a top scientist by national advocacy association Children and Adults with ADHD (CHADD)
  • Successfully acquired over $12 million in competitive research funding from federal and private agencies including the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Defense
  • Tenured professor at Florida State University - a Top 20 research institution
  • Serves on the Editorial Board of top scientific journals including Child Neuropsychology and Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology

Dr. Kofler has never worked with drug companies and has not received any funding or other research support from drug companies at any point in his career

* A list of states/districts where Dr. Kofler is licensed to practice via telehealth can be found here: [PSYPACT Map]

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